Friday, 17 May 2019

Eye-Opening Offshore Learning Journey to Semakau Landfill

Eye-Opening Offshore Learning Journey to Semakau Landfill

Our Secondary 3 and 4 Humanities students embarked on an eye-opening learning journey to Semakau Landfill – Singapore’s first man-made offshore waste disposal area in April. As part of the Social Studies curriculum, students learnt first-hand about the waste management process and the importance of ensuring a sustainable environment.

At Semakau Landfill, Pathlighters were given a talk on sustainable land development and guided through an exhibition detailing the history of the landfill since its inception in 1999. They were then given a tour of the island and were pleasantly surprised to see how clean and tranquil the place was.

This learning journey drove home the importance of Semakau Landfill to Singapore’s waste disposal management. The trip also impressed upon our students the need to be responsible citizens and practise proper waste disposal, so as to ensure that our land is sustainable for our future generations.

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Last modified on Friday, 17 May 2019 17:21