Tuesday, 10 September 2019

Changing the Future Microbit by Bit

Changing the Future Microbit by Bit

Our STEM Club Pathlighters participated in the 3D-Tronics National Infocomm Competition at the Institute of Technical Education (ITE) College East in May. The theme this year centered around “Digital Making for Good”, and participants were tasked to develop assistive technologies using Micro:bits.

Four Pathlight teams, comprising our STEM Club leaders, presented prototypes that they spent 4 to 5 weeks designing and programming. Their projects include a fire alarm for the hearing impaired, calming-down gear for persons on the autism spectrum, as well as wearables and a key-less system to assist the visually impaired. Pathlighters also discussed and exchanged ideas with counterparts from other schools, on the use of technology to help those with special needs.

It was a great platform for Pathlighters to learn about teamwork and collaboration, and the hard work that they engaged in to develop their innovative prototypes was truly commendable!

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