Thursday, 24 May 2018

Adventures in Broadcasting at the FOX Network

Adventures in Broadcasting at the FOX Network

On 23 May 2018, students from the Videography and Animation CCA had a wonderful tour of the FOX Network Group’s Studio.

During the studio tour, students experienced how ‘live’ recording worked. We visited the production film studio of FOX Sports programmes, where sports show hosts interviewed guests. They were also shown how ‘live’ or ‘scheduled’ contents were broadcast. The staff showed and explained how content flows from the Master Control Room to Media Ingest and to Transmission, where the programmes are finally broadcasted into our televisions. Students were also given the chance to interact with the control panels and devices used by the professionals during their visit.

The visit was very informative and our students had a great time learning and interacting with the staff. Perhaps broadcasting might be another industry Pathlighters can advance into?

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