Tuesday, 05 April 2016

P5 Learning Journey To The Zoo With Acs (Barker) Students

On 1 April 2016, Primary 5 students and teachers went on a learning journey to the Singapore Zoological Gardens. This learning journey isa collaborative project between Anglo-Chinese School (Barker Road) and Pathlight School. The ACS students served as student guides to the Pathlight students in which they conducted a guided tour of the Zoo.

The main objective of this program was to spread the wildlife conservation messages amongst students in which they get to learn about the animal’s behavior in the wild and how some animals apparently became endangered. The secondary aim of this program was to help the students in the area of social communication competencies, both for the Pathlight students as well as the ACS student guides. The students learned essential public speaking skills and how to phrase questions effectively. At the same time, this outing was a good opportunity for Pathlight students to apply daily living skills learned in class! 


Last modified on Monday, 11 April 2016 16:36