Wednesday, 30 April 2014

Learning Journey To VJC-Canon Photography Expose VII

Four students from the Multimedia Club participated in the VJC-Canon Photography Exposé VII, a popular annual photography event co-presented by Victoria Junior College and Canon Singapore.

The event, which was held on Saturday 5 April 2014, aimed to nurture students’ interest in photography. They participated in both a seminar and a hands on session whereby they had the opportunity to be exposed to Macro photography and also try out Canon’s range of EOS cameras and professional lenses. After snapping photographs, the participants were each treated to an A4 sized print of their own images.

They also learnt useful tips from two professional photographers, who shared their experiences and ideas on photography. One of them was Mr Bob Lee, coach photographer for Pathlight’s very own Photography club.

Over all, the learning journey was a fun and eye-opening one as Pathlighters had the opportunity to interact with students from other schools through their common interest in photography. They also learnt new skills from this exposure – both in photography and life skills.

Last modified on Sunday, 14 September 2014 21:41